Today we composed our first class poem for our anthology! I was impressed by your creativity and I am looking forward to reading your personal limericks!
Today we started poetry and discussed our thoughts about what a poem can do. We also watched a few videos that included similes, metaphors, and personification in songs. What are some of your favorite songs that include poetic elements?
Ticket Challenge: Write the title of a song that uses poetic elements. Be sure to include the example. For TWO tickets justify your example. You may share up to three songs. See you tomorrow!
Today we examined how poets use rhythm, rhyme, and repetition in poems to make their poems interesting. Is anyone planning to compose a poem that has any of these poetic techniques?
We began brainstorming about waterfalls to compose our nature poem. What should we add to our web? Do you have any suggestions about the form of the poem?

Our class poem is exceptional! I was delighted to see students using various ideas and techniques. I was also awed by the similarities! The only component we are missing is a title. Can you think if a creative title? Fire and Ice will be an easy title to choose, but I am looking for a striking title. Please share your ideas here!
What is your favorite form of poetry so far? Limericks, List, Concrete, or Diamante? Today we brainstormed and composed a diamante poem about fire and ice. Tonight for homework, select your own topic to brainstorm.
A list poem describes a noun or an idea. Compose a list poem related to cows and post it here. Remember to include poetic techniques and focus on a specific topic. Below is an example of a list poem by Mary O'Neill

The sound of water is:
What poetic elements do you notice in this poem?

Today we formed a creative title and identified poetic elements for our class limerick. Check it out below. Compose your own limerick tonight and remember to write your poetic techniques! The criteria for an effective limerick is the following:
Must consist 5 lines
Lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with each other
Lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other

We have kicked off our poetry anthology project and I am elated! Today we composed our class limerick. Check it out below. Can you find any poetic techniques we can check off on our checklist? What do you notice about the form of a limerick?The first three students who comment about the poetic elements included will receive a prize! See you tomorrow!