Happy Holidays! Winter Break is here! I am wishing you all to have a relaxing break and will see you next year! Does anyone have any New Year resolutions?
Today we had a blast creating our gingerbread houses. Which should we name our creation? How did you design yours? Did you include a yard? Did you include any windows? What advice would you give to students who will create a gingerbread house in the future?

Our class is phenomenal! We have earned 2 PTA pizza parties which proves that working together pays off! When would be a great date to have our party? I'm all ears!

Our class poem is exceptional! I was delighted to see students using various ideas and techniques. I was also awed by the similarities! The only component we are missing is a title. Can you think if a creative title? Fire and Ice will be an easy title to choose, but I am looking for a striking title. Please share your ideas here!
What is your favorite form of poetry so far? Limericks, List, Concrete, or Diamante? Today we brainstormed and composed a diamante poem about fire and ice. Tonight for homework, select your own topic to brainstorm.
This week we discovered attributes of nets and solid figures and went to the computer lab to explore. How can you tell the difference between a prism and a pyramid? Which strategy did you use to match solids with nets?

Check out this Solids link to practice and learn more.
The fifth grade musical performance yesterday was a hit! Everyone did an excellent job singing and reciting his/her lines. It was also wonderful to see parents last night. What was your favorite part of the "Heroes All" musical? Which "hero" fascinated you the most? I was amazed by Helen Keller's story since she did not allow her blindness and deafness to affect her ability to communicate with the world.
Today we started magnetism and discovered metals that are attracted to magnets. Are there any questions you have about magnets that you are hoping to discover in science? Share your questions here!